Cemetery Montmartre Paris, France

Cimetière Montmartre

Beauty, worship, obsolescence; these concepts coalesce in the 18th arrondissement of Montmartre; the Cemetery of Artists.

Capturing this alternate universe suggested an alternate medium; to create a world within a world, a sense of transcendence against our inevitable decay. The use of digital infrared allows for a process that can be manipulated to further explore our sense of place; creating a different dimension altogether.

There is a timelessness in Montmartre itself where Degas is entombed, and spirits of the likes of Van Gogh, Dali, Picasso, Rodin, and Hemingway reside in the hopes of struggling artists.

Yet buried beneath these hopes are the mass graves of those lost during the French Revolution.

It is a place that both stills and astounds the mind through its meandering tombs and contradicting residents.

Created By
Sandra Banister


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