
Virtual Postcards Create & Submit

How Do I Make a Postcard?

Watch the 'How To Make a Virtual Postcard' Video

The How To Make a Virtual Postcard video will give you a walk-through of how to use the Adobe Spark postcard maker and how to virtually submit your postcard.

Make Sure Your Postcard is Sized Correctly

Postcards must be 4" X 6" OR 6" X 4"

What Should I Make My Postcard About?

  • Words of praise for healthcare workers across Oregon
  • Words of praise for healthcare workers at a specific local public health agency
  • Gratitude, appreciation, or thankfulness about services you've been given by healthcare workers
  • Anything that respects, validates, and appreciates Oregon healthcare workers
  • Check out the Postcard Archive for inspiration
  • Read Current State of Public Health Workforce for inspiration

How Do I Submit My Virtual Postcard?

Upload your virtual postcard in .jpg or .png to the Virtual Dropbox


Created with an image by Engin_Akyurt - "mask coronavirus quarantine"