influential reggae music in the 60's Bob marley's music was very INFLUENTIAL on making times good making them last long.

Bob Marley’s life and work has served as an inspiration for millions by displaying the power of music which is infused with passion and heart. Bob, coming from meager beginnings, channeled all that he was into his art and in doing so changed his country and our world. If we are honest, there is no other artist who has brought about more conversation, political action, and practical change than Bob Marley. 2Pac, Bruce Springsteen, Public Enemy, and the Beatles truly have nothing on Bob.

Reggae has spread to many countries across the world, often incorporating local instruments and fusing with other genres. Reggae en Español spread from the mainland South America countries of Venezuela and Guyana to the rest of South America. Caribbean music in the United Kingdom, including reggae, has been popular since the late 1960s, and has evolved into several sub genres and fusions. Many reggae artists began their careers in the UK, and there have been a number of European artists and bands drawing their inspiration directly from Jamaica and the Caribbean community in Europe. Reggae in Africa was boosted by the visit of Bob Marley to Zimbabwe in 1980. In Jamaica, authentic reggae is one of the biggest sources of income.[


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