Important Discovery Made By Local Student by Marlon

This is the start of the science ,it is the so beautifully, so mysterious. so many ago the human are start to study.

This is start science

One year ago .In Unioill school have two student , they fond the new element in the science. Ania and Eley ask me how to do the experiment and to hard to learn the knowledge about the science."I'm so proud of the ----------------science teacher

this is the sun surface

they use the long time,it is around the one year to found this element :we sturdy so hard to learn to try, "when we were young we saw the other people do the experiment ,so we want to do a scientist" now we did it . ---------------------------------------------Ania and Eley

do the experiment

I think is insist to help him to experiments were carried out and the results i wish our school have many student like them to learn, to study .if every one can do it ,our school will become to best. =====================BY Marlone

that 's all.


Created with images by WikiImages - "horsehead nebula dark nebula constellation" • NASA Goddard Photo and Video - "Hubble Goes High Def to Revisit the Iconic 'Pillars of Creation'" • WikiImages - "sun fireball solar flare" • lcr3cr - "science class dissect"

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