#3 poems By Eric Santos

I can hear`

I can hear it in the morning

When i am eating breakfast and when i am going to school

I can hear it when i am going class to class

I can hear it when i am eating lunch and playing

I can hear it when I am doing my homework

I can hear it next to the library

I can hear it when I am walking down the hill

I can hear it when I am going to the bathroom

I can hear it when walking to the bus stop

I can hear it when I am walking to my house

I can hear it when I am at my front yard

I can hear it when I am at my back yard

I can hear it when at the beach


Dog by the truck

The young bright sun

Running from the ocean

Behind the truck bed

standing still

With black and white spots

Next to a pile of hay

Standing in front of the pumpkins

Barking at the birds

With teeth sharp as needles

Sun shinning in his eyes

Nice and bright day

Birds chirping

It was on a frida


My foot size is big

Big as a baby elephant feet

Big and chubby

Round and oval shape

With nails that are short

Size of 10 and a half

Look like big foot

Foot big as a boot

Large and big

Looks like grown man’s foot

And heavy

Looks like big foot


Created with images by bewegtbildgestalter - "bird"

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