We worked hard together for the last few weeks and it definately paid off...

We're really happy to announce that your website is ready to launch

Today, the web became a better place thanks to your business.

Tomorrow, your business will become a better place because of your website.

We're happy that we were able to help you achieve your advertising goals, but it doesn't stop here.

Website training starts today

We have prepared a few videos that make it easy to learn how to manage, edit, and create new content on your brand new website.

Whether your new website is running on WordPress or Muse. We make it simple for you to change up your website and make the most out of your new site.

We're going to go over a few basics for making great web experiences to help you along your path.

Step 1: Creating Great Website Content

Understanding Your Customer

The first step to being a great webmaster is familiarizing yourself with current trends in your market, having a decent understanding of design, understanding what your target customer is looking for when searching the web for your products and services, and creating great content to spark their interest. Then its just a simple matter of adding the information on to your brand new website. We regularly post about web design and advertising tips on our website.

Your target customer wants information fast.

They don't want to have to think, so you are going to have to think for them

You have to think of what your target customer wants, most customers are looking for;

  • Information on products or services
  • The "Best Deal"
  • The "Best Company"
  • Instant Purchase/Communication
Appealing to all of your target customer "types" will help you take advantage of your website as a marketing tool.

This information will help you create great sales content.

  • People looking for information will want detailed info on particular products or services.
  • People looking for the best deal will be looking for deals sticking out on the page, and look for price match guarantees
  • People looking for the best company will look for certifications, awards, and reviews. Your chance to stand our is on the top half of your website.
  • The Instant Purchase customers are just looking for a phone number or live chat, make it easy for them to get in touch with a person.
Learn from how your customers interact from your website. Always create content based on what your customers would want to read.

Creating interesting content that is easy to read is the best way to improve your websites traffic and build trust with your customers.

Step 2: Editing Your Website

Creating interesting content is important, but publishing that content correctly is even more important.

Do you have a WordPress Website?

Chris Sangiorgio prepared a full one hour series of videos to help you get your feet wet and learn how to manage your new website. But you can get started with all the basics in less than 15 minutes

Success is coming your way. Be sure to write a blog about it.

Do you have a Muse Website?

The In Browser Editor for Muse makes it really simple to change content on your new website. The editor works very similar to Microsoft Word. With a username and password, you'll be able to change up your website whenever you need. Follow our quick 20 Minute Quick-Start Tutorial for Muse Websites and start marketing your business like a pro.

We made a great team the last few weeks. We hope to work together again soon.

But for now, we wish you the best of luck with your new website.

Media Zoom Design Studios

(561) 706-8846



Created with images by Unsplash - "blogging blogger office" • NiksWebDesignAz - "online mobile communication" • freephotocc - "cup of coffee laptop office" • Pexels - "apple caffeine coffee" • keijj44 - "mountain peak mountain range"

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