Family The adventure of a life time

We are playing with Eshan on his bike before we went to jump street. This is us having fun without us killing Eshan.

We (Murari and I) are playing with Eshan in jump street. He is acting like a little commander, us always following otherwise he would scream our name.

This is us at the temple all of us having fun. I remember a lot of laughing and staring. Santhosh takes a lot of pictures!!!!!!!! Eshan is sleeping after being all cranky this afternoon.

Eshan and I are at Noodles and Company a childhood restaurant. We took this picture because I wanted to. He actually was eating garlic cheese bread before this so we had to wait a long time.

We had first come to Tennessee. Eshan was asleep but after a while he began to adjust to the family. Right now in this picture he is playing/writing with my mother

We were all drawing. You should have seen the things that Eshan made. It was so adorable.

He loves this bike. He won't let me or my brother ride this unless he's riding with us. This is him rushing to the bike before I can get it.

This is me and my mom reading a bed time story to eshan and acting everything out. This is something he now loves to do.

Created By
Avyu Ambati

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