Egyptian masks Etwinning project

Created by Lefter Adriana, for Learning Event Learning in a Museum

Primary school teacher , School Elena Doamna, Tecuci, Romania

Learning outcame

-to investigate an ancient civilization considering it on the timeline and the dislocation in space

-to look for information examining findings and documents; the museum as a place for research

-to share ideas, experiences, materials with another class in a foreign country using some tools offered by the new technologies for education

-to have groups of students from different countries recognising reciprocally their work

Activity description

First meeting - Romania - Italy

To present Ancient Egypt (Africa on map, Nile river on map, Climate of Egypt ) - searching informations on web, creating posters, articles -( in transnational small teams) -

To know information about the Egyptian alphabet: virtual visit to the British museum to see Rosetta Stone - games about finding hidden messages, writing partners’names using this alphabet, a small dictionary with words -electronic book

Resources : internet tools, computer, papers, creions, quizzez,

Online tools: Etwinning platform, google docs, padlet, voicethread, voky,

Assesment: kahoot, cooperative magazine, quizzes

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