Limnic Eruption By Arsheeta.

What really is a Limnic eruption?

A limnic eruption is a really rare natural disater which involves carbon dioxide (CO2). It erupts mostly from deep lakes and rivers. It suddenly erupts from the lake and makes a big gas cloud over the lake and this can suffocate wildlife, human beings and lifestock. The lakes that are prone to a linmics are called limnically active lakes.

What lakes are limnically active lakes?

Scientists have found out after alot of reseach that lake Nyos and Lake Monoun are limnically active lakes. Although Limnic eruptions are indirectly realated to volcanic eruptions even if they are separate natural disasters.

Lake Monoun
Lake Nyos

What are the causes of Limnic eruption?

For a limnic eruption to occur the lake must be saturated with gas. Before the lake is saturated it behaves like an unopened soft drink as it has CO2 ( Carbon Dioxide) disolved in the water.

Starting of a Limnic Eruption.


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