A 21-day Story By jane


I am writing this for 21 days to remind myself what Swamiji had inspired me if I wanted to be successful. I’ll have to be positive on all matters come up to me when I returned home from Bidadi, after the Inner Awakening Program my son and I have attended. HE will then let me experience all his “SCIENCE”.

“Manifest from your belief, not your desire. It’s also will-persistence that counts.”
O“Nothing is difficult on this earth, but you have to DO it.”

– Paramahamsa Nithyanada

I am enthusiastic to know what is going to happen!

Illustration by CAMUS

Day 1: 17 October 2016 (Mon)

Today is the 4th day since I came back from Bangalore for the Inner Awakening Program. It is also my first “official day” for work. I deliberately went back to office half an hour earlier so that I could clear up as many unread email as I could. There were about 400 plus emails accumulated in my mail box since I went off.

Office life is was never as easy as many people might think. You can never fully plan what you can do for the day exactly. People come to you from time to time and they just want to talk. By talking, there are always new discoveries. Just by sharing what I experienced in India was intriguing enough to attract people to stay and listen to your stories for hours. What a beautiful thing to do when you have no deadlines to meet!

I was told by “Chook” during the Inner Awakening Program that she has a friend called “Samantha” working for a Malaysian Group selling Real Estate properties in Australia. There are several projects going on and they wish to find some contacts of potential buyers from Hong Kong. My first instinct was “how would I know?”, “I’m only a back office accountant” etc. etc. She also went on to see if I know any potential investor who wishes to buy hotels! Hotels? I didn’t know anyone rich enough! It’s just not possible! Why ask me?

Then Chook told me to relax. Just tell somebody the opportunity and you never know what’s going to happen next. I then thought: OK, that makes sense. Just talk about it with my friends and see what’s going to happen.

Illustration by CAMUS

So when I got back to office last Friday afternoon, just wanted to clear my emails and prepared for work, my friend Coco updated me on our previous boss who is now working for a private equity. I just immediately clicked that they might want to invest in Hotels and I just said it. I then told her that the Malaysian Real Estate Group selling residential properties and she said she has this friend who has good experience in property agency. Coco immediately texted her and she responded instantly. We are meeting up this Friday evening.

On the other hand, I’m contacting Samantha and we’ll talk tomorrow what I should know about and what to do. This is just so exciting since I’m meeting new people doing new things in all of a sudden. Fingers crossed!!!

Illustration by CAMUS

Day 2: 18 October 2016 (Tue)

A typhoon (signal no. 3) is sweeping across the southern sea of Hong Kong today. We have strong wind and heavy rain for the whole day. It’s making my mood miserable in the morning and I didn’t have much motivation towards work at the start of the day. I tried to catch up with my work, but I couldn’t concentrate for long and just couldn’t help to surf on the internet when I really needed some inspiration.

When it was lunch time, I quickly finished my brought-in packed lunch and a cup of mocha. This was just the best thing on earth to lift my mood up.

I called up Samantha via a video call. We started off whether we should be going to Sadashivoham in December. She said she did have a plan but nothing was fixed up yet. I don’t know mine though, as I just came back from Bidadi (where Inner Awakening Program took place) and I thought I would need some time for assimilation. Anyhow, we went on to the topic of real estate.

Illustration by CAMUS

Samantha explained to me that the company she was working for was giving up on appointing agencies to promote its properties, but instead, was trying out to use human networks for promotion, by words of friend-to-friend strategy. This is not a new marketing method but rather new for marketing properties. By introducing friends who then subsequently purchase a property will be rewarded with a small commission. Nothing else will have to be done, and the introductory jobs on the properties will be done by the company. Sounds easy! She also invited me to join a sharing session tomorrow 8pm from “zoom”.

I felt that I could not just to rely on Coco’s friend – Caitlyn. I need to tell all my friends, especially those who lived in Australia before. The main selling point is the exchange rate, which is HKD 5.6 to AUD 1, a new low in this over 10-year period. Another fact is that there is a huge demand for the PRC investors, as everyone knows Renminbi is depreciating and properties with low exchange rate would be the best investment.

I used whatsapp to send out this message to my friends, as well as telling my colleagues such great investment opportunities.

At my end, this is an opportunity for me to open my eyes.

Illustration by CAMUS
Illustration by CAMUS



Email: the.very.life@gmail.com

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Jane The Very Life

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