Here for the Holidays Food is the Cure.

Unfortunately, life as a college student can be extremely frustrating and stressful. Holiday breaks are meant to be a time of relief to students.

Cooking holiday meals, baking fancy cookies, and decorating the Christmas tree with the family are a few simple traditions that students look forward to to help with their stress detox.

However, most International Students and Missionary Kids are not able to go home experience these holiday traditions...

....from things like ice skating with family, simply being surrounded by those they love.

By simply opening the dining halls over holiday breaks, Liberty University can improve the holiday experience of those who are not able to leave campus.

This simple change will lift their spirits...

...and encourage a sense of community among the students who do not have the comfort of returning home for the holidays.

Food is the Cure.

Created By
Sarah Miller


Created with images by Foundry - "sad depressed man" • RyanMcGuire - "worried girl woman waiting" • PublicDomainPictures - "book bored college" • PublicDomainPictures - "celebration christmas cuisine" • Fil.Al - "Christmas Cookie Family" • Tatiana12 - "1/3 of the way through, Ornaments on the Tree" • Unsplash - "campfire marshmallows fire" • ferobanjo - "ice skating ice-skating skating" • geralt - "children silhouette cheers" • sasint - "steak hungry turkey" • sasint - "adult amorous asia" • sasint - "young library study of"

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