You'll always be Mommies lil girl💕 Feb 8,2017

Your 19 years old now! You better enjoy the last of your teen years!

Once you turn 20 yrs time passes you by!

You are so Beautiful

Your pic! You are an artist!!

You have an eye for beauty

You are talented never forget that!!

This is wild

Great imagination

I started to make this for your birthday!!

June 3,2016

You have an eye for seeing beauty where others wouldn't

What a great big sister you are!!

Bright as the sun!!

More beautiful then a bright flower!


Be a real friend, be the type of friend you want others to be to you!

This is one of my favorites!

Be a good role model

Wild greens

Shine like the beautiful bright star that you are!✨

Like I said beautiful

And very, very talented

Created By
Brenda O'Donnell

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