Visiting the FLMNH Barrett Brueckner's Perspective

Introduction: The Florida Museum of Natural History is a building that contains various logs, findings and displays about the state of Florida. The building contains both relics and recent artifacts that can be used to further a curious person's knowledge. The museum can apply to all senses through the use of sculptures, audio and interactive areas.

Nature on Display: I found the above exhibit to be appealing due to it's formation and decorations. Columned exhibits are uncommon at the museum, so the structure definitely stood out. More importantly, the structure's decorations consist primarily of imitation animals and biological growths such as barnacles and mossy textures. In front of the exhibit is a book describing the specifics of what each animal's functions are, their role in the environment and many other useful facts about them. The animals chosen for the display, such as the sheepshead and blue crab, captured my attention because I often catch and eat them with my dad. Through this exhibit, I learned that barnacle clusters grow with gaps in between them as opposed to growing side by side. Through another nonvisual medium, it would be difficult to imagine the patterns at which they grow. I found the sections of the museum that unintentionally documented my own culture to be enjoyable. I was able to relate some of the sections of the museum to my own life.

Nature and Ethics: The Natural History Museum provided me with an opportunity to experience nature in a way that Leopold would have recommended. Several of the visitors of the museum were definitely admiring nature. It's one of the main reasons people visit. Upon first entering, I felt a bit overwhelmed simply because it was a large area I had never been to and didn't know what to expect, but began to adjust quickly to the layout of the museum. While I was walking through the museum I was thinking about all of the time that it must have taken to build all of the exhibits. Other people seemed to react to the exhibits with awe, clearly feeling entertained and content. The FLMNH allowed visitors to connect with nature by enlarging small animals or objects to a human level to be examined in more detail. My experience did not instill an ethical responsibility to admire nature simply because I know that I wont have time to recollect a dead animal or plant's life every time I get hungry. Respecting nature and admiring it every now and then is healthy, but nonstop thought on the topic could hinder productivity.

Nature and the Human Spirit: The museum helps us to step out of our normal everyday lives by providing us with exhibits of interesting materials, many of which have not been seen by the average person. This includes enlarged animals/plants, the interactions of animals with the environment and previous time periods of human history. These visual displays of knowledge can be used to help society to better understand itself as well as to reflect on previous failures and successes that can be applied to relatively modern times.

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