Down Syndrome Cierra Mowery

Down syndrome its self can't be treated or cured. However, early treatment can help many people with Down syndrome to live great well loives into adulthood. Downs can benefit from speech therapy, occupational therapy and exercises to help improve their motor skills.
Downs is a special needs that cannot be prevented. It's a genetic abnormality that happens spontaneously. There is a link between the probability of having a child with downs and the age of the mother.
there is a website that goes step by step on education for a Down syndrome child.
There are 10 organizations to help with level and family : 1. Parent to Parent USA 2. National Youth Leadership Network 3. National Collaborative on workforce and disability for youth. 4. The M.O.R.G.A.N Project 5. Federation for children with special needs 6. National Dissemination Center for Children with disabilities 7. Family Voices 8. National Parent Technical Assistance Center 9. Council for Exceptional Children 10. Disabled Sports USA
Broad Category: Congenital
General Categories: physical, learning, emotional and behavior
PSA: Although Down syndrome can't be prevented it doesn't mean you shouldn'traise awareness or importance about it. A child with downs deserve to live a normal life just like the people that don't have downs.
Created By
Cierra Mowery


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