Unboxing Report of the Sylvan Elves Army Book

Finally! I received the Sylvan Elves Army Book today. In my actual physical mailbox, that is. After sending the file from the 9th Age website to a local POD centre*, we have been working on the actual production for some months. That sounds a little worse then it is, but there were a lot of extra demands the first book did not meet. For example, a laminated cover requires a completely different design than a "normal" page. Anyway, it's here and I'm running you through it. * : POD = Production On Demand; centres that professionally print book for low costs.

Some spec's. Our POD centre allows several binding techniques, like paperback, hardcover, ringband, photo book or magazine. Easy choice, I chose hardcover, fully laminated. You can choose several qualities for paper; the range goes from 80 grs to 200 grs (thickness). I chose 135 grs, machine coated silk. The whole book full color. There we go, enjoy.

Opening the package:

The book slides right out, ooohhh nice .... (the white shine is due to the light, it's crisp!):

See the full color glossy laminate? Very smooth.

Designing the cover proved a challenge .. at the end an employee at the POD centre did it, she was great. There is even a text on the side here:

The back design is still a mock-up, what you see below is just a first draft from the design team. It includes the world map, which I had to delete of course, since it is not yet revealed by the B&A team. Note: the resolution of the back cover is low because it's just a sketch. Looks nice though ... :

So, opening the book, the first text inside the book is the title. Looks crisp, but the inside layout will probably change in the final version ..

.. to show this awesome dragon inside the cover .. looking amazing in real life .. just amazing..

.. zooming in to see the details .. it holds !

Some other pages to give an impression of the book .. again, very sharp prints:

And this guys still scares me a little :

The product. The feeling of having a hard cover, physical The 9th Age product in my hands has really made an impression on me. It completely put's it on the same level a "commercial" hobby products, if not higher. The quality is stunning, the artwork jumps out with the high color prints. I think getting these books available to the crowd will seriously attract new players - it's such a nice product.

Things that I would change. The cover needs work, you'll see it's not aligned very well. Luckily for us the T9A team is on this, so it well be better in the next version. The paper is ok at 135 grs, but next print I'll might use heavier paper. The texts in the book are relatively big; I believe it would look better if they were smaller - and that would also save space.

Some core info: the book is from www.pumbo.nl , it costs € 25, everyone can order it, and it's really quick now they have the format. The price goes down when you order more books.

IMPORTANT: The 9th Age is adjusting the ruleset at the moment, which might very well change the Sylvan Elves book - so I would not advice anyone to print this version ;-)

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