Good Times Charles DeMeglio

I've been to many places around our wonderful world. These are personal pictures I've taken from the shores of Hawaii to the sands of Jordan and beyond

Jerusalem and Petra were by far the best places I've visited

The stone Jesus was anointed on
Pillars that still stand from thousands of years ago

Hawaii had the most beautiful beaches

The water was warm all day and night

Japan was full of history

Yes, a random Japanese family. They were awesome

Of Course riding an elephant in Thailand is always fun

Awesome majestic mammals

I encourage all to get out there and see the world

Rough seas on a Hawaiian beach


I jumped from a cliff to the left you can't see, but it had to be at least 50-60 feet high. The water was pretty deep in this area

I saw this beautiful beach from the road and had to climb down there to have some fun

Bullet holes in a hanger that remain from the attack on Pearl Harbor

This donkey hates his life in Jordan

These camel's can move pretty fast

The nicer the doorway in Petra was in relation to your social status

A beautiful ceiling from years of use and weathering in Petra

Ancient castle grounds in Japan

Ancient castle walls that still stand in Japan

Just entering Jerusalem

The Wailing Wall

Where Jesus was laid to rest

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre

The crucifixion site of Jesus


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