C. Bernard Walton Art It was all a DREAM

It was always a dream somewhere in the back of my mind.
The thought persisted, and persisted. So, I had to get it out to you all
Earlie Barnes

An elegant photo like this is an excellent place to start.

Like anything worthwhile, it starts out rather crude.
But, with diligence, I continue with patience and faith that the vision that I see in my minds eye...
...will eventually become the masterpiece that I imagined.
And, this is what drives me even when I encounter those moments of doubt.
Eventually, the fruit of our striving will come to fruition.

Sometimes, we take on tasks that we fear may be bigger than we had bargained for.

I encountered on of these moments when the Queen, Veronica Tindle, commissioned me to paint a portrait of all of her grandchildren.
I had to remind my self that he never gives us more than we can bear!
So, undaunted by the challenge, I went to work.
Little by little...

I stand by my brand - 100%!

Making it happen.

I currently have a few major works in progress. You'll have to stay tuned for the results on those... However, below you'll see the results of my work.

Finally Completed !

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