State of the News Media 2016: News Magazines By: Jake Woodrich

What are some examples of news magazines, you ask?

and the list goes on....

What's up with News Magazines lately, you ask?

News Magazines are shifting from Print to Digital.
SINGLE COPY PRINT SALES are on the decline.
News Magazines are shifting from Print to Digital, as this chart of single copy print sales shows.
SINGLE COPY DIGITAL SALES are increasing dramatically.
This graph depicts the extreme growth in single copy digital sales of news magazines in recent years.
Digital Subscriptions are increasing, as well, while overall Subscriptions remain rather static.
There are more and more people heading to online news magazines, but there is less time actually being spent on the site.

What about the moolah, you ask?

Despite an online presence that is stronger than ever, revenue is unfortunately trending downward for consumer magazines.
There has been a negative trend in consumer magazine revenue in the past three years.

What else is new, you ask?

Digital all-access programs: allows readers unlimited access to an abundance of popular magazines online for just one flat fee per month. This relatively new concept hopes to raise magazine revenue.
texture is just one of many digital all-access programs.

So, What is the current state of news magazines, you ask?

Digital Magazines trending ↑................................................................ Print magazines Trending ↓ ................................................................. Magazine Subscriptions Trending ↔ ................................................... Magazine Revenue Trending ↓ ...............................................................
Created By
Jacob Woodrich

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