SS Ch. 8 Less. 5 Austin's Slate

Leaders from 27 nations gathered in Paris, France, in January 1919.

They met for the peace conference following World War I.

Socialist is a person who believes industries should be publicly owned.

Pacifist is a person who is opposed to the use of violence.

Dissent is a disagreement or opposition.

The military needed a steady supply of vital war materials.

Preventing work stoppages was one goal.

To pay for the war, the U.S raised taxes.

The labor shortages provided new job opportunities for women.

Anti war feeling remained strong even after the United States.


Created with images by USDAgov - "d2700-2" • eriger - "ww2 airplane france" • cliff1066™ - "Thomas Woodrow Wilson, Twenty-eighth President (1913-1921)"

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