Art History ePortfolio Ashley carey

The Bella Muse Studios and Gallery is located on 25th street in Ogden. This gallery was interesting because it had finished pieces along with pieces that were still in progress displayed. I enjoyed this gallery and all the fine art it displayed. I looked at 5 particular pieces.
This gallery emphasizes on being Fine Art. This is an oil painting. It uses lines to imply and outline shape. It is 2 perspective with radial balance focusing on the center tree. The content is elements and composition.
This piece uses contour hatching in the hair. It seems like there is a use of chiaroscuro from the use of gradual shifting from dark to light in colors. The hair seems to diagonally balance the piece. The content is element and composition. My guess would be that this is an oil painting.
This piece uses contour lines to make the painting more three dimensional. It uses color contrast with makes the piece and the colors work better together. The main center focus on the flowers creates a radial balance. The content is elements and composition. This oil painting reminds me of Rachel Ruycsh's painting called "Flower Still Life".
This is an oil painting. The use of curved lines outline shape. This is a 2 point perspective. There is a vertical balance in this piece. The content is more underlying of symbolic in meaning. I wish I was better at understanding symbols so I could better understand this work.
The lines used in this piece outline shape. There is a diagonal balance. There is a use of contouring to create a more 3D effect. This is a 2 point perspective. The content is elements and composition. This is an oil painting.
This piece has a lot of contouring to emphasize depth. It is vertically balanced. There is a 2 point perspective. Chiaroscuro is used with the changing colors of dark to light. The content is elements and composition. This is an oil painting.

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