Edmund Randolph By: Arnav Patwardhan Url citation - http://history.org/almanack/people/bios/bioraedm.cfm


Tool - a compass rose that also helps for tracking speed and direction

(I asked around but couldn't find the name of this tool.)

This is a compass rose that also showed your speedIt was used to navigate on ships. It told speed and direction. Every thirty minutes, someone would put a pin in the direction they were heading. This tool was made by the english

Outdoor exhibit - ship Discovery

This is a replica of the ship Discovery. It was one pf the three ships used by the British to get to Jamestown. In those days, ships were the best way of transportation so this ship was extremely useful. This ship was made by the British.


Shop - silversmith

This shop is a silversmith. The silversmith looks very clean shiny, and smells like metal. You can hear the ping ping noise from the silversmith hammer. The items that are available to buy are pretty much anything made of silver. There are cutlery like spoons knives and forks. You can buy bowls and plates. There are also jewelry like necklaces. You can also melt silver coins or other silver items into other silver items. I would buy from this store because I have the money, and gentry people like I need these items to look good. To buy from this store, I would send one of my slaves to go place my order in and when it is completed i would send a slave to fetch the item.

House - Peyton Randolph's house

I would visit Payton Randolph's house because I am his nephew. I spend would time at my uncle's house.

This room is a parlour. It is used as a reception room or a waiting room. One thing in this room is the marble fireplace. Another thing is the china. There is also a gold mirror. All of these items show wealth because they are nearly impossible to obtain without a great deal of money. My favorite part of the house is the blue paint and the windows. I like these because they look very nice and are also extremely expensive. The windows also provide light, and the paint provides color.

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