
Color and Emotion By Kara Shank

The purpose of this book is to explore color and emotion, and how the two go together. I focused on the colors: pink/purple, red, and blue because they convey the most recognizable emotions. The color red is usually associated with anger, love, and attention. Pink is also love, friendship, harmony, and peace. And the color blue is usually sadness, but can also represent tranquility, trust, and intelligence. I mostly wanted to try something that I really haven't done before. I am mostly interested in landscape photography and I've taken some portraits before, but never really messed around with color and lights. I became interested in this idea when I saw an Instagram account by Brandon Woelfel. He does a lot of photography expirimenting with different kinds of lights. Seeing his photos really inspired me to purchase the lights and start expirimenting with my camera. When doing some research, I also found two other artists that inspired me; Slava Semenyuta and Lindsay Adler. Below is a link to a presentation explaining these artists work and how they inspired my book.

My project was brought to life with Monster brand mood lights that I purchased. I used a long strip of lights that stuck to my wall and also a bulb that screwed into a lamp. The lights came with a remote that let you change the color whenever you wanted. I used my Canon Rebel T5 camera to take my photos. Since the photos were taken in a dark room with the only source of light coming from the mood lights, I had my camera set on manual with a high ISO, and a low exposure so the colors were vibrant but you could also see my subject. In a few of my photos I used my bathroom mirror to accomplish the emotion I wanted to portray. I was mostly trying to have fun and get some unique photos that I was proud of, and felt portrayed the particular emotion. Before my last shoot I ordered a glass ball and light prism to experiment with. Brandon uses both of those objects in his photography and I figured I would give them a try. The outcome was really pleasing and I am very proud of how those photos turned out.

The implication of the color red in the photos above gives them a sense of danger and concern. Red is used alot in horror movies usually because of blood, but it also goes along with the paranormal and the devil because of the anger, rage and sense of attention it draws. It also creates a dramatic and almost evil look.
The color pink used above creates a happy, serene atmosphere in the photo.
A calming sense is felt in the photos above. The expression on her face mixed with the pink lighting creates an "at peace" scene.
The pink and blue mixture of lights shows 2 different emotions. A calm, relaxed side and a sad, emotional side. A person can mask how they're actually feeling with a different set of emotions. That is what I was trying to portray in the photos with 2 different colored lights.

The thing I really like about art is that everyone can create whatever they want or whatever inspires them. Especially in photography, you can be as creative as you want. The camera allows you to capture a moment in time and be able to go back and look at it whenever you please. Like I stated in the beginning I really wanted to try something new and expand my photography skills while creating visually interesting photos that explored color and the emotions behind them.

Sadness, confusion and curiosity are being portrayed above.

I would like to thank my models from my shoots for being so cooperative and helping my visions come to life. Thank you Emily White and Katrina Snyder.

Adler, Lindsay. “Lindsay Adler Beauty Photographer - New York City.” Lindsay Adler Beauty Photographer - New York City, www.lindsayadlerphotography.com/p/bio.

“Beautiful Neon-Colored Photography by Slava Semenyuta.” Photogrist Photography Magazine, 23 Aug. 2016, photogrist.com/beautiful-neon-coloredphotography-slava-semenyuta/.

Burden, Russ. “In The Mood: The Psychology of Color.” Outdoor Photographer, 6 July 2015, www.outdoorphotographer.com/tips-techniques/photo-tip-of-week/in-the-mood-the-psychology-of-color/.

Hungerstaff. “Cosmic Colourways and Neon Dreams.” HUNGER TV, 2016, www.hungertv.com/feature/cosmic-colourways-and-neon-dreams/.

Woelfel, Brandon. “Photography.” Brandon Woelfel, www.brandonwoelfel.com/photography-1/euw9he1rnl91xarwk9ncs9bbv3euca.


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