
Bordeaux Church Eglise Internationale de Bordeaux

A Bible church in the heart of the city,

to glorify God, to strengthen Christians,

to reach anyone and everyone with the Gospel of Christ.

A Bible Church

Historic confessional faith

nourished by Bible exposition

In the heart of the city

Central Bordeaux

220 000 inhabitants

4 gospel churches for 220 000 people

Brethren assembly, Baptist church, Foursquare church and gipsy church

to glorify God

gospel-focused worship "in Spirit and in Truth"

whole-life holiness and witness

to strengthen Christians

the ministry of the Word and prayer

to reach anyone and everyone

with the Gospel of Christ

Developments: Steering Group, 1905 Association, English evenings, French church planter

Created By
Alan Davey


Created with images by Boesmantjie - "teacher word bible"

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