Tina about me ;)


I am fifteen years old and a sophomore in high school. I am an only child. My family and I travel often. I have lived in Germany (Dusseldorf), China (Xi'an and Urumqi) , Australia (Brisbane) , and Canada (Toronto and Montreal). I also traveled all around Europe as a toddler. My first memory, as well as the highlight of my journey in Europe, is feeding olives to goats in Dusseldorf. My mother is a houseplant fanatic so we own more than 40 types of houseplants. I've loved movies made by the Ghibli Studio since I was a wee gal and recently I've been reading novels by William Somerset Maugham. Currently I've also been getting into music of the lo fi electronica genre. Also this is unrelated but I spend too much money on food and am not guilty about it.

Yum! i love nigiri!

Books, Movies and Sick Tunes


William Somerset Maugham is my favourite author and I am fairly sad that he is dead and no more books will be produced by him. I love him because he is bitter and cynical and self-depreciating like me. In his novels and short stories, he laughs at art, literature, romance and himself.

Of Human Bondage and The Moon and Sixpence are two of my favourites by Maugham.


I love anything and everything by Studio Ghibli. Hayao Miyazaki, the founder of Studio Ghibli, is in my opinion extremely prodigious in terms of both film making and traditional arts. He is also a bitter old man who threatens to retire almost every year but I love him for it.

Spirited Away

General Plot line: curiosity kills the cat, girl's parents go explore and get turned into pigs. Girl works at the bath house and meets various miscellaneous creatures such as Mr. gold digger ghost, pretty boy dragon, and rat baby. They go on an adventure.

Howl's Moving Castle

General Plot line: girl gets turned into an old lady. She somehow then got involved with a hot Blondie who happens to be a bird and lives in a ridiculous castle with his scarecrow friend and a talking flame. Girl and Blondie fall in love despite their age gap (appearance wise).

Gave of the Fireflies

General Plot line: this one is actually kind of depressing and should be taken seriously. With Grave of the Fireflies, Hayao Miyazaki reveals the absurdity of Japanese nationalism during WWII.

They've got bomb soundtracks too.

Sick Tunes

Recently I've been getting into In Love With A Ghost. They are a lo fi electronica artist on YouTube, Sound Cloud, and Spotify. I love their music because it's very relaxing and unique because they include various ASMR sounds in their pieces. They also pair their music with cute art.

My favourite EP. I love the titles of their songs; they really go well with the tunes. Some songs that are also quite good but are not on YouTube include: the cat told me how to make chillout music, goodbye earth, i'm taking my spaceship to explore the universe, and comet. Below are some other amazing songs by them.

What I Do with Life Now

Now I will introduce to you some of the things I do that are not necessarily productive or meaningful but ironically make me happy.

Anime + Manga

When I'm not crying over homework and other basic responsibilities as a student, I dedicate most of my life to watching anime and reading manga. My favourite manga artist of all times is Nakamura Asumiko. Below are some pages from her art book!

I find this piece very a-PEELING. Hahahahaha.
She also puts she art on calendars.
Her art style is breathtaking; I love her so much.
Her mange series, Classmates, got a movie!


Other than that i just make art. Drawing also is what I have to do for school anyway so I just draw lots of other things to procrastinate from my actual art assignments. Right now my favourite medium to make art with is watercolours just because of how flexible they are. I also like to stalk old art masters who have been dead for ages.

My art. It's a MAN-go. Get it? (lol)
Above is a series of portraits by my favourite portrait painter Francis Bacon, a portrait of Van Gogh by post-impressionist master Paul Gauguin, and Irises by Van Gogh.

Family n I

Other things I occupy myself with occasionally are shopping for clothes, art supplies, and other miscellaneous things that I don't really need in life but buy on impulse. My family and I also go out for food quite a lot even though my mom is the best chef ever.

Recently I found a lot of cute individual pieces at J. CREW.
My family and I go out for dim sum every month. I love it because I can never get bored of eating them.


Created with images by EuroMagic - "Painting 1" • Wokandapix - "sushi food fish" • cdrummbks - "of human bondage" • theNerdPatrol - "Studio_Ghibli_Logo" • JeepersMedia - "J. Crew" • CCFoodTravel.com - "P8139979" • City Foodsters - "Baked whole abalone puff with diced chicken" • CCFoodTravel.com - "PC214072-001" • City Foodsters - "Baked barbecued pork buns with pine nuts"

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