tech news and notes Shakopee Instructional Technology Services

October 2016

Apple TV

We continue to set up Apple TVs in classrooms and other locations. DLC staff and Techs have collaborated on a document to walk you through various scenarios and troubleshooting for using an Apple TV; it can be found via the link below.

MacBook OS Updates

We have about 90% of staff devices moved over from Mac OSX Yosemite to El Capitan. We would like to get the remaining staff devices updated. It is also highly recommended that Office be upgraded to version 2016, in particular because Outlook works more reliably with shared calendars. If you need any assistance with updating, please put in a hep desk request. Use help desk ticket type: Tech > Software or Web Application > MacBook Other Software or Microsoft Office. We would like to get El Capitan done before piloting the even newer version of Mac OS, called Sierra.

iOS 10 (iPad) Timeline

Apple has released the latest version of their iPad operating system, iOS 10. We are not releasing it to our devices just yet. Here are a few things to know:

  • The Book Creator update for iOS 10 deletes previous work. Please save/back up any Book Creator app content you do not want to lose.
  • TestNav (software published by Pearson for MCA/OLPA testing) does not work yet on iOS 10. Waiting for a new version that does work before we can allow our devices to be updated.
  • Getting to the passcode/lock screen no longer uses a swipe across the screen, instead you press the home button once to get to the passcode entry screen.

Printer Refresh

We are in the process of going from building to building to replace or swap our oldest and most high-volume black/white printers. Considering that our oldest models are about 17 years old, it might be a little overdue. As we get to each building, we'll send out e-mails to let you know which printers are being changed.

Notes for deleting and adding a printer: Mac / PC

Securly Review

Additional notes about Securly
  • We do not set up custom filters for individual students. That is the purpose of the "No Social Media" and "Aggressive" filter groups.
  • The district is part of a pilot for increased parent access to student Internet usage; right now this includes detailed reports but may eventually allow parents to set their own filtering rules at home.

on-going Projects

  • Identity Management: Streamlining account creation and management, this is the first step to eventually implementing a single sign-on solution that would consolidate account and site log-ins for staff and students.
  • Website Updates: The district tech page is continually being updated to keep the community informed; the most recent addition is a summary of Securly.

Staff and Contact Info

Help Desk Phone - x5100

Credits: "Update" comic from XKCD.

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