Meet Wan Chin Ng #GirlsinTechkc

World traveler Wan Chin Ng is a native of Malaysia who loves learning about different cultures and lifestyles and who appreciates how her travels bring new perspectives on her own life.

Advanced technology makes traveling the world easier than ever, with mobile devices and the internet offering information, news and communication to simplify travel planning.

“This is one of the main reasons I love being in the Information Technology industry,” Wan Chin says. “I feel great achievement when I complete an application that enables my users to obtain data easily and to work efficiently.”

Wan Chin earned bachelor degrees in Management Information Systems and Marketing and a Master’s of Business Administration with a concentration in Management Information Systems. She works as a senior software developer who loves coding and data.

“I particularly enjoy mentoring less experienced developers,” she says. “I always find it very rewarding to see them become better coders. I am passionate about growing into an IT lead/management role where I can contribute to a larger cause.”

Wan Chin encourages girls who may not be naturally strong in math and science to be persistent.

“You can still be a good candidate for an IT degree or career if that’s what you’re passionate about,” she says. “You do not have to be a genius to know how to code. You just need to be patient, determined and hard working.”

Wan Chin also wants girls to know that IT is a field for women as well as men.

“Choosing your career in the IT domain enables you to build the future every day for everyone around the world,” she says.

And she encourages girls to ask plenty of questions: “Do not be intimidated by those who seem to know more than you. Do not be afraid or embarrassed to ask questions for things that you do not understand. This is a great way to expand your knowledge and skills.”

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