Top Ten Cities That I Would Want To Visit. By: brayden kissell


Being able to go to the ski resorts in the nearby mountains and being able to rent a room in over century old buildings, truly a life. This is at number ten on my list only because of the low list of features.


Being able to go to the soccer tournaments in the summer, Bethesda is a true to it's name. Rocking number nine, Bethesda is a place I would want to visit.


Piovo Uhtah is one of the greatest not-known cities of in the united states. It is best known for its cuisine restaurants, the reason that I want to go there.

#7 Washington Dc

So who doesn't want to go to the most famous place in america and most known capital of any country? I would love to take a tour of the white house and see some of its most known land forms.

#6 Atlanta Georgia

Now this place played a big part in the civil war, and with a big part of Martin Luther King's acts, who doesn't want to take a quick trip to this place? I would love to go for it's best known oranges.

#5 Orlando Florida

Ahh, warm weather all year round, fresh bananas, and... Hurricanes?! For the weather and the beach, this is the place for me.

#4 Las vegas

I got one thing I can write for days about. All night buffets. Need I say more?

#3 Albany New Yourk

Now who doesn't want to go to the city of dreams? The city were you can be any thing you want: A robber, a pastry chef, and much more. Those were all wins.

#2 Los Angeles California

Staying up all night to gamble and eat, California has a lot to offer. Now let's go gamble and become millionaires!

#1 New Orleans

Now this is an old style place. It takes me back to the days when you could be happy by being yourself and the world wouldn't push you to be something else. Not to mention the food, that too.


Created with images by skeeze - "milky way andromeda stars" • CherylZ1961 - "denver storm clouds" • Thad Zajdowicz - "Homeward bound" • rcgtrrz - "Metro Station, Bethesda Maryland USA" • mikemol - "White House" • Ribastank - "sculpture museum art" • diggersstory - "orange tree sculpture harvesting" • MJCouch - "las vegas bellagio travel" • werner22brigitte - "liberty statue freiheits statue new york" • Emmanuel_D.Photography - "LA LA Land" • tpsdave - "lafitte's blacksmith shop new orleans louisiana"

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