
越来越多的联盟质疑梵蒂冈对中共国的侵犯人权保持沉默 【中英对照翻译】

新闻来源:Breitbart《布赖特巴特》;作者:THOMAS D. WILLIAMS, PH.D.;发布时间:September 29 , 2020 / 2020年9月29日

翻译/简评:Cathy r;校对:许先生;审核:海阔天空 ;Page:拱卒




Growing Coalition Questions Vatican Silence on China’s Human Rights Abuses


ROME A growing number of human rights advocates and observers are vocally expressing their bewilderment at the Vatican’s silence over the egregious human rights abuses perpetrated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

罗马: 越来越多的人权倡导者和观察家对梵蒂冈对中国共产党严重侵犯人权行为的沉默发声表达困惑

Pope Francis and other key Vatican figures have avoided criticizing ongoing violations of religious liberty in China, despite the Holy See’s constant appeals to end such abuses elsewhere.


During his annual Christmas message last December, for instance, Pope Francis offered up prayers for troubled regions around the world, remembering all those who suffer persecution, and yet conspicuous by its absence in the nearly exhaustive list was any mention of the persecution of religious believers in China or the ongoing Hong Kong pro-democracy protests.


Among the many held up for their suffering, the pope enumerated “the Middle East,” the “beloved Syrian people,” “the Lebanese people,” “Iraq,” “Yemen,” “the whole American continent,” “the beloved Venezuelan people,” “beloved Ukraine,” “the people of Africa,” “the Democratic Republic of the Congo,” “Burkina Faso,” “Mali,” “Niger,” and “Nigeria.”


Not a word for Chinese Christians, members of Falun Gong, or persecuted Uighur Muslims.


In a curious case of cognitive dissonance, the pope himself has only had praise for China, insisting that its communist government protects religious freedom and that its “churches are full.” He has also reversed Church discipline to allow Chinese Catholic priests to enroll in the state-run Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association, which was set up under the rule of Chairman Mao Zedong as a parallel church to the church in Rome.


Francis’ efforts to cozy up to the CCP have earned him only reproach from his critics, such as the former bishop of Hong Kong, Cardinal Joseph Zen, who claims that due to his naivete, Pope Francis is “killing” the underground Church in China.

方济各为迎合中共所做的努力遭到批评者的指责,比如香港前主教陈日君(Cardinal Joseph Zen)指出,教皇方济各的天真正在“杀死”中共国的地下教会。

In an unusual departure from the path marked by Vatican leadership, the United States bishops have called on the faithful to pray for Chinese Christians and to inform themselves on the horrendous abuses being carried out by the government of Xi Jinping.


This past June, the U.S. Bishops published a stinging communiqué calling out the CCP for its shocking violations of religious liberty.


“Under the Chinese Communist Party, Chinese citizens have limited religious freedom,” the bishops noted. “Since 2013, religious persecution has intensified under a government campaign for the ‘sinicization’ of religion an effort to have religions conform to government-sanctioned interpretations of Chinese culture.”


“While the Vatican has reached a provisional agreement with China on the issue of episcopal appointments, reports of persecution by the Chinese government persist as underground churches are closed and their priests detained, crosses destroyed, bibles confiscated, and children under 18 forbidden from attending Mass and receiving religious instruction,” the bishops said.

主教们说 “虽然梵蒂冈已经就主教任命问题与中共国达成了临时协议,但由于地下教堂被关闭、牧师被拘留、十字架被摧毁、圣经被没收及18岁以下的儿童被禁止参加弥撒和接受宗教教育,他们仍然持续受到有关中共国政府迫害的报告。”

Along with the sufferings of persecuted Christians, the bishops also underscored the situation of Muslim minorities in China, particularly the Uighurs.


“Muslims have suffered grievous human rights abuses,” the bishops wrote. “Since 2017, 800,000 to possibly two million ethnic Uighur, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, and Hui Muslims have been arbitrarily detained in mass internment camps.”


Similarly, Cardinal Charles Bo of Myanmar, president of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences, released a statement this summer noting that in China, “the Uyghur Muslims are facing what amounts to some of the contemporary world’s worst mass atrocities and I urge the international community to investigate.”

同样,亚洲主教会议联合会主席缅甸红衣主教查尔斯·博(Charles Bo)今年夏天发表了一份声明,指出在中共国“维吾尔穆斯林正面临着当今世界最严重的大规模暴行,我敦促国际社会进行调查”。

Church figures have not been alone in their criticism of China’s abuses and of the Vatican’s appeasement policy.


Earlier this year, Lord Chris Patten, the last British governor of Hong Kong, said the Vatican “got it badly wrong about China” in its 2018 accord with the Communist Party on the naming of bishops.

今年早些时候,英国最后一任香港总督彭定康勋爵(Lord Chris Patten)表示,梵蒂冈2018年与共产党签署的关于主教任命的协议中“对中共国的看法大错特错“。

“It is very sad, but under Xi Jinping things have gone backwards in China,” Patten told the Tablet, a UK-based Catholic journal, adding that it was “bizarre” for the Vatican to warm to the Communist Party at this time.


“How can you have a rapprochement on religious issues with China when there are a million or more Uighur Muslims locked up in Xinjiang?” asked Patten, who has been chancellor of Oxford University since 2003.


Lord Patten, who was the governor of Hong Kong from 1992 to 1997, said he understands why the Vatican has an interest in China but questions the opportuneness of its timing and method.


“Of course I am in favour of them trying to do what they can to make it easier for Catholics and Christians to worship in China,” said Patten, who is himself a Catholic.


“I just think this was an extraordinary time to be doing this with an administration in China which has gone back on human rights which is making things tougher on human rights. That is what Xi Jinping has been doing,” he said.


“I find myself sympathising hugely with Cardinal Zen on this and with others,” Lord Patten said.


In late July, a searing article in Foreign Affairs drew an unfavorable parallel between the reaction of prominent Jews to China’s atrocities and that of the Catholic Church.

7月下旬,《外交事务》(Foreign Affairs)一篇令人震惊的文章将著名犹太人对中共国暴行的反应与天主教会的反应作了不客气的比较。

While the president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, Marie van der Zyl, has drawn comparisons between the plight of the Uighurs in China today and the Holocaust, no such indictment has emerged from the Vatican, Benedict Rogers noted in his article.

本尼迪克特·罗杰斯(BenedictRogers)在他的文章中指出,英国犹太人代表委员会主席玛丽·范德尔·齐尔(Marie van der Zyl)把今天中共国维吾尔人的困境跟对犹太人的大屠杀相提并论,然而梵蒂冈并没有提出同样的指控。


Nobody could see the evidence and fail to note “the similarities between what is alleged to be happening in the People’s Republic of China today and what happened in Nazi Germany 75 years ago: People being forcibly loaded on to trains; beards of religious men being trimmed; women being sterilised; and the grim spectre of concentration camps,” Ms. van der Zyl declared.


“But one voice has been strangely absent that of Pope Francis, ordinarily a powerful advocate for the oppressed,” Rogers stated. “His silence speaks to the dangers of the deal made with China by the Vatican and demands that others in the church speak out.”


“It is Francis’s silence that shocks me most,” Rogers wrote. “Almost every Sunday, as he prays the Angelus, he rightly references some injustice somewhere in the world. He has spoken often in the past not only of the persecution of Christians around the world but of the plight of the Rohingyas in Myanmar; the conflicts in Syria, Yemen, Ukraine, and Nigeria; and religious freedom for all.”


Writing for the Sunday Times this summer, Dominic Lawson expressed similar perplexity at the Vatican’s dogged unwillingness to employ its moral authority to call the CCP to an account.

今年夏天,多米尼克·劳森(Dominic Lawson)在为《星期日泰晤士报》(Sunday Times)撰写文章时,也对梵蒂冈顽固地不愿用其道德权威将中国共产党绳之以法表示了类似的困惑。

“As more and more nations have expressed their concern about the growing evidence of concentration camps and even genocide in the Chinese province of Xinjiang, there has been silence from the one entity that has the whole of suffering humanity at the core of its mission. I refer to the Holy See,” Mr. Lawson wrote.


“This is part of the Holy See’s long campaign to achieve full mutual diplomatic relations with Beijing, which Vatican diplomats imagine will give them leverage with a leading world power,” Lawson added. “But it was a concession Francis’s predecessors would not have made especially not the fiercely anti-communist John Paul II.”


“The replacement of bishops appointed by Rome with those acceptable to Beijing (and previously excommunicated) has caused consternation among faithful Catholics,” he wrote. “One priest described it to me as ‘an act of perfidy, stupidity and betrayal.’”


Vatican watchers have attributed the Holy See’s strange unwillingness to call out China’s abuses on its intense desire to establish diplomatic relations with the Asian giant, for which the Vatican has been willing to turn a blind eye to myriad cruelties.


Last May, veteran Vatican journalist John L. Allen, Jr. wrote that the Holy See is pulling out all the stops to woo Beijing into full diplomatic relations.

梵蒂冈资深记者约翰·L·艾伦(John L.Allen)写道,去年5月罗马教廷竭尽全力争取与北京建立全面外交关系。

Pope Francis shared a moment with some Chinese pilgrims during his general audience who broke protocol to approach him. CNA Photo/L'Osservatore Romano 教皇方济各在总接见期间,与一些打破礼节接近他的中国朝圣者分享时刻。中新社图片/《罗马人报》。

The Vatican is “covetous of a relationship with China, and often apparently willing to stifle objections and give away a great deal” in order to make this happen, Mr. Allen wrote.


In short, “the Vatican is moving full-steam ahead in its courtship of Beijing, with the ultimate prize remaining full diplomatic relations, a secure legal standing for the church, and partnerships on the global stage,” Allen said.


The linchpin for the Vatican’s charm offensive has been its 2018 secret accord with the CCP regarding the naming of Chinese bishops, a move that received an avalanche of criticism at the time and has only been aggravated by ongoing CCP aggressions against Christians after the deal was signed.


Father Benedict Kiely, founder of Nasarean.org, a charity helping persecuted Christians, has voiced his consternation over the Vatican’s willingness to lend moral credibility to a hostile regime that seems to offer little in return.

帮助受迫害的基督徒的慈善机构Nasarean.org的创始人本尼迪克·基利(Benedict Kiely)神父对梵蒂冈愿意向一个似乎没有多少回报的敌对政权提供道德信誉表示惊愕。

The Vatican sold the farm in its 2018 accord with the CCP on the naming of bishops, Father Kiely laments in a recent essay, ceding authority to the CCP in appointing Catholic bishops while gaining little to nothing.


“The accord, signed in secret, in theory allowed for some kind of unity between the ‘official’ Patriotic Church and the underground Church, especially focusing on the appointment of bishops with both Vatican and government approval,” Kiely notes. “However, it seems to most knowledgeable observers that the agreement gave most of the power to the regime and, two years later, more than half of China’s 98 Catholic dioceses are still without bishops.”

基利指出,“在理论上,秘密签署的协议允许‘官方’爱国教会和地下教会之间有某种联合,尤其注重梵蒂冈和政府共同批准任命主教。” “然而,在大多数知情的观察家看来,协议把大部分权力都给了中共政府。两年后,中共国98个天主教教区中有一半以上仍然没有主教。”

“Meanwhile the official doctrine of the Communist party is to ‘sinicize’ every aspect of religious life in China, not only Catholicism,” he writes. “Persecution of the underground Church has continued, with bishops and priests being arrested.”


“According to the charity Open Doors USA, ‘every facet of persecution’ of religion has increased in China in recent years, with the persecution of ‘Church life”parish activity, religious education, social action at what they measure as “90% persecution,’” Father Kiely noted.

基利神父指出:“根据美国敞门慈善组织(Open Doors USA)的说法,近几年来,随着对’教会生活‘教区活动、宗教教育、社会行动的迫害达到他们估计为“90%的迫害,中共国对宗教的‘每一方面的迫害’都有所增加。”

“The world is only just beginning to realize the extent of the persecution of the Chinese Uighur Muslims, according to some experts reaching the level of genocide, with conservative estimates of more than 1.5 million Uighurs in ‘re-education camps,’” he said.


As a growing opposition to the Holy See’s China policy coalesces, Pope Francis risks damaging the historic legacy of his pontificate.


It would be ironic not to say tragic if the pope who made defense of the poor and marginalized the hallmark of his papacy were to be remembered not for his accomplishments in lifting up the peripheries but for his silence on China.


编辑:【喜马拉雅战鹰团】Edited by:【Himalaya Hawk Squad】