The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit By: BreannA Ancheta | Sacraments Block B


The first and most important gift of the Holy Spirit is Wisdom. Wisdom is essential in guiding us toward God.


Understanding is the second gift of the Holy Spirit that allows us to grasp the teachings of our Catholic faith. Understanding helps us know compassion, tolerance, and sympathy.


Counsel, or Right Judgment, helps us make the right choices and keeps us on the path of following Jesus.


The gift of Fortitude, also known as Courage, helps us remain steadfast in our faith. With this gift, we are able to openly practice our faith, regardless of any obstacles or opposition that we may face.


The fifth gift of the Holy Spirit is Knowledge. This gift is similar to Counsel in the sense that it helps us differentiate what is right and what is wrong.


The gift of Piety is reverence for God. We have trust in God, respect for God, and we are inspired to serve God and others.

Fear of the Lord.

The seventh and last gift of the Holy Spirit is Fear (Awe) of the Lord. Like Piety, we must show deep reverence for God the Father, and this strengthens our abundant love for him.

Image Sources

Fear of the Lord gift. Digital image. Deviant Art.

Fortitude gift. Digital image. Deviant Art.

Gradient background. Digital image. HD Wall Source.

Knowledge gift. Digital image. Deviant Art.

Piety gift. Digital image. Deviant Art.

Understanding gift. Digital image. Deviant Art.

Wisdom gift. Digital image. Deviant Art.

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