Annoying as Hell stuff about Lifeguarding By: alex Knutte

You know whats goddamn annoying as hell? I'll tell you. It all starts with lousy persons coming to this crumby pool I work at. I got to watch these morons as they swim and stuff. Then they just keep asking me stuff. These morons. I cant get off the chair to attend to your personal needs. It kills me. It really does. Especially when you got old lousy men asking you to rub in their sunscreen for them on their old wrinkly backs. Or big women who keep yelling at their lousy kids. Once a crumby lady complained to my manager because I wouldn't put up the goddamn umbrella for her. I told her all nice and polite and stuff that I have to watch the pool and I cant be helping you with your goddamn problems. I mean, why'd you come to a pool anyways if your just gonna sit under an umbrella. And, its not like this lady couldn't put up the goddamn thing herself. This lady said thats fine and went and sat back down. Approximately 5 seconds later her husband shows up and is yelling at me about the goddamn umbrella. I cant do nothing about it! Annoying as hell, it really was. Both of them lousy morons could have put it up themselves but they got to go and complain to my goddamn manager. Not like its a problem though, Bill said I did good watching the pool- I even got a day off.

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