Ny Thermage Precision Aesthetics MD Non invasive plastic surgery: thermage, exilis, carboxytherapy


New York's premier non invasive plastic surgeon.

Lisa A. Zdinak, MD is the chief surgeon and medical director of Precision Aesthetics. She is an ophthalmic plastic surgeon with specialty training in advanced techniques in minimally invasive facial rejuvenation. She truly is “the best kept secret in New York” with an international clientele consisting of celebrities, models, and royalty, for whom discretion is paramount. The foundation of her practice is the use of combination therapies that approach or surpass cosmetic surgical techniques of rejuvenation that carry minimal to no downtime for healing. Her specialty is skin tightening and body shaping with modern techniques such as Thermage, Exilis and Carboxytherapy. The joy of her practice is that the majority of her new patients come to her by referral from her existing patients

What is Skin Tightening?

Laser skin tightening is a minimally invasive, non-surgical process that uses an infrared light source (a laser) to tighten skin by heating the collagen under the skin's surface, causing the skin to contract (tighten).J

What is Body Shaping?

Body contouring or shaping is any procedure that alters the shape of different areas of the body. Body contouring after massive weight loss refers to a series of procedures that eliminate and/or reduce excess skin ...


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