Inauguration 2017 Heritage academy D.C. trip

The view of the United States Capitol Building from the Red section (in front of the reflecting pool).

On January 19, 2017 a group of 15 Heritage Academy students had the opportunity to visit the nation's capitol. The students spent the entire weekend touring the city and meeting Senator Roger Wicker.

ABOVE: The Tomb of the Unknowns Soldier Memorial Building located on the grounds of Arlington National Cemetery.

Wilder Strickland and Lillie Grace Shelton laying the wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier .

ABOVE: The wreath laid on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier by Heritage Academy.

The George Washington Monument surrounded by fifty flags of the United States of America.

All students had the opportunity to visit The Washington Monument, The National Archives Building, The National Air & Space Museum, The Holocaust Museum, The Museum of Natural History, The Vietnam Memorial, The Iwo Jima Memorial, and the 58th Presidential Inauguration.

The United States Supreme Court Building
The Vietnam Memorial: FREEDOM IS NOT FREE
Iwo Jima Memorial
The Holocaust Museum

Quote by Elie Wiesel, author of Holocaust novel Night, displayed in the Holocaust Museum.

ABOVE: Pictures of Holocaust survivors' identification number tattoos given to them while in prison camps.

Created By
Mallory Amos

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