Jeremy January Virtual audition

JEREMY JANUARY 425-295-8126
Audition Song: Pure Imagination | Audio Only

Phone: 425-295-8126


Wizard of Oz | Prof. Marvel/Oz | Kitsap Forest Theater
Trial of Goldilocks | Papa Bear | Variety Plus
Evening with Troupe Comique | Var. (principal) | Troupe Comique
Guys and Dolls | Big Jule | Twelfth Night Productions
North Star Vaude | Charlie Chaplin | NSCC
Anything Goes | Ling | Twelfth Night Productions
The Little Mermaid | Captain Fontaine | Moon Paper Tent
Peter Pan | Hook | Variety Plus
Circus of Dreams | The Clown | ACT Guest Performance


Jet City Improv Dojo

Andrew McMasters, Mike Christensen

Commedia Dell'Arte

Bellevue Community College

NW Actors Studio Two Year Conservatory

Acting, Shakespeare, Voice (Skinner Method), Playwrighting, Improv

Anthony Curry, Ann Graham, Faye B. Summers, Julie Rosenzweig


Accents: Standard British, Irish, New York, Chicago Stage Combat (rapier, rapier and dagger), Physical Comedy, Tumbling, Juggling, Guitar, Card Tricks

Jeremy January (L) as "Big" Jule, Guys and Dolls

Twelfth Night Productions

Jeremy January (L) as Chance Marmalade

Troupe Comique

Jeremy January (Second from L) as Ling, Anything Goes

Twelfth Night Productions

Jeremy January (R) as Lucky, Your First Date

Writers and Actors Reading and Performing Theatre

Thank you for your consideration!


Jeremy January

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