WE AREN'T IN KANSAS ANYMORE!! THUNDerstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes! By Briana Kuehnast

This thunderstorm formation is out of this world!

There are three stages of the formation. The Cumulus Stage is when the cloud grows bigger when the warm air rises! The Mature Stage is when the cloud is at its biggest, has a large amount of water and starts to precipitate! The Dissipating Stage is when the cloud cools down and the storm dies down.

A Tornado is coming!!

A tornado first starts out as a thunderstorm as the warm air rises. That warm air rotates creating a mesocyclone. The air begins to roll creating a vortex.

"You can dance in a hurricane, but only if you are in the eye!"

The hurricane formation includes: warm water temperatures that create warm moist air, begins as thunderstorms, warm air forms storms that move to the center rising creating clouds, clouds form a ring (EYE WALL), the ring spins and grows and the storm dies once it goes far into land.

Created By
Briana Kuehnast

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