
Mining in Canada

Mining is very important to Canada this is because it helped Canadian impacts in the past present and hopefully the future if it can survive. Overall, Why is Mining impactful in Canada?

What is the Importance of Canadian Mining and Where is It?

The importance of Canadian Mining is....

  • Minining is one of the primary and important industries in Canada.
  • It is one of the largest Mining supply globally with more than 3,700 of Geotechnical, Engineering and Environmental services .
  • Canadas mineral important produces are Gold, Siliver, Plantinum and Diamonds.
  • Base minerals s are iron, copper, lead, zinc and nickel
  • Energy mineral are limestone and coal
  • Ontario, Saskatewan, Quebec, British Colombia are the mainmineral mining Industries.
  • Mining is the private largest sector for Aboriginal people.
  • The Top 5 Largest Mining industrys in Canada are..

- Potash Corf which is the largest Canadian Mining with the value of 30 billion in 2015. Potash Mines produces crop, nutrients nitrogen and phosphate.

- Arium Inc is headquares in Calagry, it operates potash mines and produces raw materials and fertilizers. In 2013 The money the company made was 14.4 billion dollars.

- Goldcorp headquarters is located in Vancouver and mines gold which produces 2.87 million ounces of gold which cost $949 per ounce. In 2015 the economy value was about 14 billion in 2015.

- Barrick Gold corporations n is the largest gold mining in the world, its headquarters are in Toronto, the Barrack produced over 6.25 million onces of gold as in 2014. The econmy value is 8 billion dollars In 2015.

- Tech Resources main location is in Vancouver , there is about 8.6 billion in 2014, the tech mining is copper, coal zinc and energy. It is the secound largest exporter of coal steel and copper in North America, as well been voted for the safest and sustainable mining compines in the world.

- Overall Mining brought 57 billion dollar to the Canadian GDP in 2014.

Mineral Location On Canada LandForm Regions.

Candian Shield

- Rocks are formed as Igneaous, Sedimentry and Metamorhpic which form..

- Iron







- Zinc

- Gold

- Copper

- Lead

Interior Plains

- Salt

- Potash

- Coal

HudsonBay Lowlands

- Nikckel

- Copper



St Lawernce

- salt


- potash

- gypsum

- asbetos

- zinc


- rock salt

- gypsem

- Zinc

- Lead

Mining Industrils

- Approximately 375,00 workers work in the mining and mining processing industry.

- Candian trading parthners for exporting minerals ls and metals in 2013 were...

  • Total Exports
  • United States 45,956,129
  • EU-27 17,066,803
  • China 6,444,974
  • Japan 3,873,569
  • Hong Kong 3,136,446
  • South Korea 1,881,019
  • Norway 1,765,642
  • Brazil 1,132,846
  • India 1,133,227
  • Mexico 945,349
  • Taiwan 675,674
  • United Arab Emirates 532,975
  • Other countries 5,547,215 1
  • Total Canada 90,091,869

- Mining salaries approximately yearly wages are 100,000 dollars.

- The Candian Mining industry trades Usa, South America, Africa.

Techniques On Extraction

1 technique- Minearl extraction has low to high amount of energy techonolgy. An example is high amount of energy minerals are used for shovles, or water separation such as pans or slucies which can be worked in a smallteam

(the process of mining gold is this)

2 technique - Some mines like coal and metal have to be digged or blasted from deep underground which goes far into mountain.

3 technique- Minearls are produced when its mined which is called ores and is futher to extract the metals. the ore is then crushed and the metallic materials are sepreated from rock to concrete. then the metals in concrete must be seperated from non metels.

4 technique- This generation minerals are extracted from the process which is by a smelter where the concentrate is heated on a high tempeture which releases the metals then the molten is cooled.

- throughout 20th Century mining workers have used railcars, machinery and large power shovels to extract minerals and metals .

Different types of Minearls have produced things such as

  • Aluminium- Airplanes, Automobiles
  • Asbetoes-Fabrics,Cloth,Cetmet Pipes
  • Zinc- Cell Baterries,Medicine and Paints
  • Copper-Wires,Plumbing,Coins and Jewllery
  • Diamounds-Jewelry,Tools
  • Gold- instruments ,Art, Coins
  • Lead-Batteries, TV wiring Tubes
  • Nickel-StainlessSteel
  • Potash-fertilizer

Issues In Mining

Enviormental impacts

- Continmation of groundwater

- Large amount of increase in erison of lakes and streams

- Wildlife and fishers loss

-Acid from rocks.

- Minining left the water polluted such as the British Colombia mine Mt.Washington that produced copper for 3 years however the Tsolm River got contaminated and ruined a multi mllion doller salmon fish industry which affected the local citizens immensely.

- Acid Mine Drainge is the most problematic issues for Canadian mining. It happens when waste rock is exposed to acid which go into streams and lakes destroyed aquatic life such as clayfish snails and clams.

- Floodings from minings caused Merthyl Mercury contamination and if contact to humans it causes damage areas in the brain.

- Mecurey, Lead and dixons are realsed and effcts the vegetation which then increases the toxic substances such as food chians as eventually humans are the top of the food chain and will contain toxic substances in our body.

Workers Impact

- Women Miners often face discrimination and work in poor conditions as well unequal pay for the same work.

- Miners still have changes to get severely injured and can develop diseases.

- Heavy loads cause severe injures in which about 25% workers can not work.

- Noise can impact the worker by having hear loss and eardrum rupture.

-Mecery if have direct contact it can cause mercury poisoning which symptoms are nausea, stomach pain and cardiac arrest.

-Radon if long term exposed to can cause lung cancer.

-Mining jobs can effect workers relationship with family and friends.

Social Impacts

- Preventing citizens from accessibility to clean water

- Impacting on health and lifestyle

- Changing the social dynaimc on the community's

- increased cost of living

Sustainbility and Soloutions


- Using recycle materials like copper takes 7 times less energy then processing ore.

- Reduction on the consumption of minerals which is utilized less minearls on cars and roads electronics and recycle more.

- Mines can be designed on producing less toxics.

-Pumping the groundwater and surface water can reduce the quailty and quantity of water where the aquatic lifestyle will have a better impact.

- Reducing energy consumption at mines will decrease green house gases emissions, such as the Divak Diamond in Northwest Terriotres are using alternative renewable resources that are wind turbines.

- Land Disruptions reduction can inculde overall footprint of the mining area. Minimizingng the waste and maintaing a healthy biodiversty cycle.


- In the future Thorim reactores are the new revolutionary of a alternative resource.

- Thorim is a safer material ito consume this is because it cools down faster which shortens waste and is safer to produce electricity energy.

- Thorium is more abundant and easier to mine which helps decrease energy consumption.

- Thorium waste is less dangerous compare to nuclear waste adn can be reuse for decades.

- In the future Cananda is likley to start utilizing this better alternative resources for a better change in the mining industry.

In Conclusion, Mining is one of the most important and secound biggest industries in Canada, it brings us economy value, gives us resources to produce things that we use in our daily life. Minning is our past, present and hopefully the future.

The End


Created with images by xusenru - "mining excavator electric bucket-wheel excavator" • communicationcy - "open pit mining night bucket wheel excavators" • ermengard - "cave mining site excavation" • Dieter_G - "seascape lakes resin" • Jon Olav - "Into the mines"

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