Advocating for Good Health By: kendall guagenti

Role Model

Role Models- An important factor in advocating health is role models. "Interacting and cooperating with other adults encourages you to see the world in different ways"(Unit 4). By seeing role models in the community, and even being one, you can show and see the effects that a positive behavior can have on others around you.

Identity and Connection

Identity and Connection- "Young people are busy working out who they are and where they fit in the world"(Unit 4). Most teens are trying to figure out their identity and where they belong in this world. It is important to get involved in activities such as community work or clubs to explore possibilities and find your interests and beliefs.


skills can help out greatly when it comes to advocating for health. If you are good at knitting, use it to make scarves and hats that you could give to the homeless to help prevent frostbite, or if you are good at cooking you can help make food for the poor, so that they get the proper nutrition they need. Volunteering is a great way to help with health of yourself and others.

Communication Technique- Teens

A communication technique I use is relating to teens. As a teen myself, I understand the struggle of trying to find our your identity and where you belong. "Being involved in community activities can give you a positive way of understanding who you are"(Unit 4). This is the way I advocate to teens. I often involve myself in things such as community service, and volunteering at my church to meet new people and find out more about the world. I often speak to teens about my experiences in my youth group to extend their knowledge on things.


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