mout get outdoors for a living

come join our community

Our community is up in the mountain where you can be alone outdoors away from the pollution and all world problems. you give your part for 4 hour's of the day and the rest is your time. you can join a sport team are go hike on are many hikes and sights. in the winter you can go ski,sledding or stay inside with a hot cup of coco. we welcome you to visit and see if you want to live in this wonderful place.


all requirements are in the contract you sign when you join

join teams or a club or even go solo.

we have ten main rules

#1 only 5000 people are excepted per year

#2 Every adoult has to have a job to stay in are community

#3have to go to school or work for 4hrs a day 5 dayes a week

#4 in house by 10:30 on week days 11:00 on weekends

#5 wake up by 8:15 week days

#6 have a planed activity 3 times a week

#7 community police will be patrolling twenty four seven

#8 get a phone at age 12

#9 no braking of community property

#10 punishment will be no resort time or extra work



a private owned canyon in Oregon, you can hit the slopes or go for a walk. it will have a ski resort/hiking on mountain side. also have a sport complex at the bottom

typical day

wake up at 8:30 leave to work or school at 9:15 lunch at 11:30 get home at 2:00 rest of day is free time unless your job has other hour's get to bed by 11:00


our government is a Republic. we elect 11 leaders to run and make decision and rules. we chose this so we have more then one opinion on a problems so we can get the right solution.

we are the best of the best

all you do is have fun with many different ways. you chose what you think is fun and you can do it.

Created By
Jacob Jensen


Created with images by WDnetStudio - "gondola ski resort trolley" • keijj44 - "mountain peak mountain range" • succo - "hammer books law"

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