The Chinese Civil War (1927-1937) Brad milliorn, haley rogers and hannah hawthorne

Summary-The war was fought between the nationalist government (KMT) and the Communist party (CPC) to rescue control over China. This was divided into two stages, one being from 1927-1937 and the second being from 1946-1950 with the Sino-Japanese separating them. The CPC gained control of almost the entire mainland, establishing the PRC to replace the ROC. The Japanese surrender gave way to this civil war. In the end, the CPC declared victory and the people were then under the rule of the Republic of China. The Nationalist fled to Taiwan and established their own government.

  • Facts
  • It was be third largest war in history
  • The war caused economic problems such as Hyperinflation, mass unemployment and large number of refugees.
  • Today, both governments claim to being the legal government of China.

People, Places, and Dates- The Chinese Civil War started in April 1927 and ended in 1950 due to the difference between the Chinese communist party and the nationalist party. Leaders of these parties consisted of Mao Zedong as a leader for the communist party, and president Jiang Jiesh for the Nationalists. These people were politically powerful among their parties.

Short/ Long Term Events- A short term effect of this war would be that there were millions of causulities and the economy collapsed due to hyperinflation and corruption. A long term effect is the affect of the chinese after the war. They ended up poor and undeveloped while the world was changing in technology. This caused the Chinese to be behind in development for many years.

Causes and Influences- As a result of creeping foreign infulences, China was made to look weak and there were increasing calls for modernization in order to keep peace with western powers. China began to lose power over its prepherial regions. France seized Southeast Asia, creating its colony of French Indochina. Japan stripped away Tiawan and took effective control of Korea (formally a Chinese territory). By 1900, foreign powers including Britain, France, Germany, Russia and Japan had established a "sphere of influence" along China's coast where they controlled trade and military.

Regional and local Infulences- The war destructed all railways, dams, canals and other forms of transportation. This resulted in high unemployment, a large increase in poverty and inflation. The death toll raised not only cause of the weapons during this war, but also because of the large decrease in family income. They passed a law called the Land Reform Law, which abrogated ownership of landlords and introduced peasant ownership. The reform liberated productive forces, increased the productivity of agriculture, and laid the basis for industrialization of China.

Connections- When the Japanese invaded Japan in 1936, the two sides once again united in order to fight the Japanese. This continued throughout WW2, although both sides still fought and hated each other.

Works Cited

"The Chinese Civil War." Chinese Revolution. N.p., 21 Aug. 2015. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.

"The Cold War." Ducksters Educational Site. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2017. Staff. "Chiang Kai-shek." A&E Television Networks, 2009. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.

U.S. Department of State. U.S. Department of State, n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.


Created with images by Jorge Lascar - "Back of the Meridian Gate - Forbidden City" • Jorge Lascar - "The Forbidden City" • Tony Fischer Photography - "The Peace Hat and President Chester Arthur, 1829 - 1886" • Jorge Lascar - "The Meridian Gate" • king-sword - "china hong kong buddha statues" • Thomas Depenbusch - "Wuxi, Jiangsu - China" • HealthyBacon - "chinese garden garden chinese"

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