Fashion Daily By : Deja christine

The fashion world is constantly changing and every girl needs to know the latest trends, but old is the new. We are seeing girls wear chokers and high waisted jeans. Things aren't coming into style, things are coming back in style.

From the 80's and the 90's things have come back into view.


  1. Pastel Windbreaker
Windbreakers no matter what brand are coming back into view.

2. Mom Jeans

throw away your skinny jeans and take on these high waisted mom jeans.

3. Stripped shirts

higher neck lines are coming back and so are stripped shirts!

4. Round Glasses

John Lennon must have really made an impact if these are coming around again.

5. Doc Martins

Every pair of these are beautiful, a must have for your 2017 collection.
Created By
deja butkiewicz


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