Zoey's Photography Photo 1 Finals for Semester 1


Ari ; Glacier, MT

When I took this photo we were at a wedding in Glacier, MT. The baby girl and man were looking off into MacDonald Lake. As my little brothers learned how to skip rocks across the beautiful lake the man and baby admired. The man was content on teaching the boys how to skip rocks whilst the baby starred at them, wondering what they were doing.

Inside Shy ; Helena, MT

This portrait is one of my favorites from 2016. This picture shows a very different side of her. Without her being shy and timid, like everybody else. A whole day of taking photo after photo of the shyest people i know, i finally got a shot of her when i told her she was beautiful.

Ma Mere Est Belle; Helena MT

This photo was the first portrait I took of my mother. I wasn't planning on taking any portraits that day, I was strictly doing scenery photos for my photography class. The best photos are the ones that aren't planned.


Up Close and Personal ; Archy Bray, Helena, MT
Rigid and Rusty; Archy Bray, Helena MT

These old pieces of machinery have coats of rust on them from being unused for so many years. When these photos were taken i tried to figure out what they were used for and why. The ability to take pictures of something and not knowing what they're used for is idiotic.


Sunlit Fire ; Helena MT

Fire has the ability to make you look at thing differently. This photo was taken during the summer. We hiked up to a swimming hole and on our way back this amazing sunset was places beyond our eyes.

Clear Water ; Glacier, MT

On my way back from a wedding we stopped to admire Lake Macdonalds beauty. The water was the clearest I have ever seen, the bluer sky with few clouds brought out the green of the grass on the mountains.

Aqua Vert ; Glacier MT

The water was so incredibly blue that when I showed people this photo they thought it was photo shopped or greatly enhanced which is incorrect. The vivid colors of this photo were exactly how I saw it.

Collaborative Poem

Remember That Day?; Archy Bray, Helena MT

This photo is very abstract because of the figure staring upon something. I dug through the Archy Bray to find something eye catching. When i showed my class this photo they all seemed to say the same thing. "Where was that figure, I don't remember seeing that!"

Self Expression

To express my self portrait I brought in what means most to me, my long board. I wore clothing and accessories to represent who I am I tried to not have any expressions planned so it seemed natural to me. I wanted to "go with the flow" and let the camera talk.

Ansel Easton Adams- "You don't take a photograph, you make it"

Adams is a very well know photographer and environmentalist. He received many awards throughout his life time. He was also a pianist but decided to pursue his career in photography because he thought his fingers weren't big enough for him to be a successful pianist. His preference was scenery photography and only shot in black and white.


I decided to have my work inspired by Ansel Easton Adams because of his love for scenery photography. I love how all his work is in black and white and is in great detail. He would wait hours for that one picture. For everything to be completely perfect. A big reason why I chose Adams is because of his perfection. I don't shoot for perfection, I shoot what looks good to be weather its directly looking at the sun or if my camera is tiled diagonally.

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