The Ganges river The sacred bathing cite of indea

Reasons to settle one reason to settle is there is lots of rain which makes it easier to irrigate crops and that is good for crops. silt flows down from the Himalayas which makes fertile soil that Is good for crops the weather is great it wont be too cold and ruin crops which means we will always have food there is a sewer system that carries waste water away from homes and the last reason is homes there are enough homes that every one will have a house.
Physical features of the Ganges are beautiful trees and mountains
The location of the Ganges is southwest of the Himalayan mountains but it is in northern India.

a great place to live -Bob

My crops kept getting destroyed-traveler101

The water is filled with sin-gamekat95


Created with images by asim chaudhuri( - "sunset at the Ganges Kolkata, INDIA" • becker.abigail - "DSC_0608" • pjotr9 - "ganges 2004" • huneycuttaddison - "Ganges River"

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