Genetically Modified Organisms By Grace K.

What is it?

The papaya is a great example of a GMO. GMO papayas are commercially sold in the US and Canada although they are not in the EU. The papayas are genetically modified with the Capsid gene.

The story

In the 1980s, the papaya plant was suffering greatly from the widespread epidemic of the Papaya Ringspot Virus. The scientists at the University of Hawaii needed to come up with a plan on how to save the papayas. They injected the papayas with the capsid gene to give the papayas an immunity to the disease. It was very successful and they started being commercially grown in 1999.

Pros of GMO's

  • Plans to make edible vaccinations
  • Crops are resistant to disease.
  • We have more food for people in 3rd world countries

Cons of GMO's

  • We don't know any long term effects
  • They present a significant allergy risk
  • Can make antibiotic medication less effective

Personal stance

Being someone who has many allergies to foods, I do not think GMO's are a good thing. I am allergic to peanuts and if I were to eat a strawberry that had peanut genes in it, I could potentially end up in the hospital. I think they can be a good thing in some cases but I also believe they're very risky.

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