Street Photography By Siddharth Satyanarayan

The Streets of Mumbai, unlike anywhere in the world, would be full of life. From 6am in the morning to the early wee hours of the night. Mumbai being a city of complete diversity is gifted with various kind of landscapes and a abundance of flora. On these Streets you can witness the various walks of life of various individuals, some scathing frames and also like I've mentioned below, mans favourite animals "dogs".

I hope the following range of pictures can can depict what I'm trying to say above.

"God talks to me in Silence, but I hear him every time in my mind."
"When you're down, everything looks like up to you. You have people showing fake love to you, straight up to your face. All you got to do is just look them in face and smile it all away."
"On a dark, desert highway, I saw a shimmering light. My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim. I had to stop for a sight."
" I'm the dark in need of light. Sparks will fly which will ignite our bones. Firestones when they strike, we light up the world."
They said, "Your Neighbourhood is like a Pot of Gold, but then there's nobody around to take care of it."
They go on and on, must have had some superpowers. Their attitude was a 10/10. I wondered if they ask themselves, is this love so good, they wouldn't have to (woof) for free.
"I get those goosebumps, every time you come around, you ease my mind, you make everything feel fine."
"I dream in colour. That's too much flavour for ya'll. God bless you all. I only talk special talk. Wear only that special rock."
Runnin, Runnin, Runnin, Runnin. Just trying to be fitter. Naaahhh. Just keeping up with the express lifestyle.
"House in between the woods makes you feel like you're in a world of your own. Like strangers in the night."
"Money Trees is the perfect place for shade, eh. Cos that's just how I feel, uh. Cos a dollar might make your lane switch, thats just how I feel."
Those moments when a tripod and a self timer come in perfect use and the frame is picture perfect.

Thank You.

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Created By
Siddharth Satyanarayan


Siddharth Satyanarayan

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