Peonies & Princesses Hand painted art

Welcome to Peonies & Princesses! Custom painted personalised children's art. Please scroll down to see some examples of my work. If you require any information, please get in touch. It would be lovely to hear from you xx

Peonies and Princesses was created to provide completely bespoke personalised art for children's bedrooms

Each name painting takes approximately 10 hours to paint from scratch

Colours and themes are discussed in advance of creation so the painting fits the room theme

Whether it be flowers or fairies made to look like the child or family members..

Or immortalising a favourite cuddly toy..

If you are looking for something a little smaller, then personalised initials framed or unframed can equally be customised to a theme

With or without added fairies!

The theme can make up the letters or surround the name...

Boys and Girl's themes available

If you have something in mind as a theme, just ask!

For sizes and prices please visit

Email me at

Created By
Peonies & Princesses


All paintings created by Peonies &

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