Life at... Living one year at its fullest

New Year, New Experiences

January-February 2017

Ski Season

I am really enjoying the Ski Season because it´s a sport that I love. I think it´s a really great exercise. Although I sometimes fall, I think it is really fun and a unique experience because I can spend time with all my friends from Le Châtelard.

Valeria Mitre

I am really enjoying Ski Season because of many reasons; first of all, the ski instructors are really patient with us and they help us to improve our skiing. Also, we are able to appreciate the most beautiful views from the mountains. It is also a great exercise, but the thing I love the most about the Ski Season is that I have the amazing opportunity of skiing with my friends. It has been a unique experience for all of us.

Paola Zermeño

Although we only go skiing two days a week, I always end up having an amazing time. In the beginning, I struggled going down the mountain, now I have no problem. One of the advantages of going skiing is when we go to the top of the mountain and we can see all the amazing mountains covered with snow and all the views. I´m very thankful for having this opportunity.

Isabel Hernández

Social Participation

During the visit to the foster home, I really appreciated talking to each person. Each of them have their own story, when they where little and how back then, kids weren’t on their phones and where instead playing hopscotch. How in their childhood they could go skiing and how they got in trouble with their parents. I enjoyed telling them how my experience in Le Châtelard is going and how I still struggle to learn French. Although I talked to them in French, several speak English which helped me correct my French. I loved speaking with all these marvelous people because I can learn from their experiences.

Sofía Velasco

I had a great experience at the foster home. I met a lady which I felt very close to. She was very nice and so kind. It was an experience which left me so many things for my future. I really enjoyed going and hope we could go back soon.

Ivette Ramírez

I really liked the experience because this was the second time I had done social services and it touched my heart. I would love to do it again.

Mariana Ochoa

Going to social participation helped me getting to know old people which are very wise. I liked going there because I like the message that it leaves me and knowing that one day they are going to be happy and they would like to live one more day.

Sofía Batarse

Holy Hour

I really enjoyed being next to Jesus and having my mind completely focused on him. This Holy Hour really helped me to concentrate and to be conscious that he died for me because he loves me and he wants the best for me. We offered this Holy Hour for the consecrated souls and we really prayed from the bottom of our hearts for them. I really enjoyed having a time of silence with him.

Luisa Hernández

I enjoyed the Holy Hour because I felt God´s presence more then ever. I realized how much Jesus sacrificed to show us how much he loves us.

Ramalí Hernández

It was the perfect moment to connect myself and talk to God. I enjoy moments like this because it makes me feel closer to God. I liked the activity we made to pray with candles for the consecrated souls.

Ana Isabella Fernández

Optional Courses

I chose to be in Cordon Bleu because we have a lot of fun in that class and each class we learn how to cook different things, we also learn how to clean up everything when we are done cooking and I think that´s a very important lesson that will be useful when I grow up. My favorite recipe is Tiramisu.

Macarena Vilchis

I really enjoyed how the teacher taught me how to do my make up. She also taught me how to match all my correct colors on my skin tone. The first class, was the best. We learned many things such as how to make mask for our faces. Lastly, we learned how to use the face powder. I believe this is the best activity I have ever participated in this year.

Fátima Berber

I love ice-skating, especially because I go with my friends. The teacher showed me how to ice-skate correctly and all the techniques. The ice arena is an opendoor facility and it has a great view to the Suisse Alps. The teacher is super nice, she has taught me lots of tricks like spinning and jumping. I really enjoy the ice-skating clinic and it helps me to keep fit and in shape.

Carolina Peredo

In Cordon Bleu we learn a lot from the chef which is very nice. The classes are very fun and useful. I enjoy cooking with my friends and learning a lot of recipes that will be useful for me in a future.

Ana Paulina Lugo

I chose to be in Zumba. The class is really fun and entertaining. We do a lot of exercise. The teacher is always active and she motivates us to work harder. I love learning new routines and songs.

Eva Marcos

Swimming is a great way to get a full body workout. The teacher is helpful and gives good corrections and tips. The pool is great and we are always accompanied by an adult. The class is fun and definitely worth it. Anyone who would like taking a class that relieve a little stress would be happy to join.

Regina Ochoa

Academic Life

French and Academic Diplomas

I won the diplomas of best average in Ninth grade and Honor Roll. I worked really hard to get into the Honor Roll and it was nice getting recognized for my hard work. I still hope to improve my grades more and get the same, if not more diplomas the next time.

Isabela Álvarez

I felt really honored after receiving the diplomas of discipline and best average in French. I´m thankful for having the opportunity of learning French and I hope to get better everyday.

Greta Bautista

The diplomas I got were discipline and religion. When I got the discipline diploma, I felt as if all the good behavior really payed off. Getting the religion diploma meant a lot to me as well. Both diplomas showed me that the work you put in gets good results.

Vivian Silva

Receiving the diplomas after all my hard work made me feel satisfied. I think that after our first semester and after every effort that each girl made, we felt very proud about our work. The diplomas give us the chance to show our parents what we have been working on and to keep the effort.

Mónica Martínez

French Contest

The French competition was very interesting. We had to learn many verbs, it was pretty difficult. At the beginning, we were all nervous, but at the end we were laughing.

Paola Salomón

The French competition was very entertaining. I need to admit that it was difficult and challenging to learn all the verbs in different times and conjugations but it was funny to participate . I really liked to be part of it.

Valeria Celestín

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