Rhode Island, founded in 1636 Allison Mullins

Roger Williams founded the colony in 1636.He was a puritan, and later was a reformed Baptist. Also he was a religious exile from Massachusetts.

This colony was ran on a charter government. They had religious freedom. The charter in Rhode island was a milestone in the move toward religious freedom when the king signed a charter giving them the freedom to practice what they believed in.

There land was flat rolling hills and lowlands. They had cold winters and mild winters. They had lots of mountains and trees. Winters were long and summers were short. There major industries were agriculture, manufacturing lumber, breweries and distilleries producing rum. They had twenty two distilleries and three sugar refineries.

They had poor rocky soil so it was hard to farm wheat but things like pumpkin, squash, rye, and beans were grown. They also had fish and whale for towns close to the ocean. They also traded things like fish, timber, fur, livestock, and ships.


Created with images by sapienssolutions - "Beavertail State Park - Jamestown RI" • StanTheCaddy - "buitje" • kropekk_pl - "field corn hay"

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