Andy Warhol rebeca sager

Biography: Andy Warhol was born on the on August 6th 1928, and died on February 22, 1987. Warhol was the most successful and greatly paid commercial artist in New York, before he actually made art for the galleries. He screen printed pictures of Marilyn Monroe, soup cans, and newspaper stories. Warhol is known world-wide pop art style. Before he struck at fame he was a poor man. Andy Warhol was one of the most well-known part artists of American history.

Artist Statement- I chose Andy Warhol because his pop art is amazingly inspiring. I also loved his Marilyn Monroe pictures. They are very nice. That is why i did Marilyn Monroe. Overall i like how my picture turned out and Im happy with it. I used acrylic paint and charcoal.

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