chairs all about chairs!

Why does this guy love chairs?


Chairs were made to sit on. They should be loved by not just our bottoms, but our whole body. They are soft sometimes, fluffy sometimes, heck there are even chairs stuffed with beans inside them, hence the . All chairs are meant to be loved by everybody that lives on this Earth. I will start a "Stop chair bullying" movement next Friday. Come to see the struggle that chairs have had over the years.

Help these chairs today!

Created By
James Cornes


Created with images by andrewmalone - "Commencement chairs" • Pexels - "bleachers chair pattern" • ToNic-Pics - "sunrise sunset beach chair" • Pexels - "chairs row seats" • hellethom - "swave chair" • German Blanco Photography - "The Chair: Take 1" • Skitterphoto - "teddy bear camera orchids"

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