Importance of Learning CPR Nathan Rambo

Cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death worldwide. In the United States alone, 350,000 out of hospital cardiac arrests occur each year.

Liberty University should make learning CPR a requirement as learning this skill will not only benefit the student but the people around them as well.

Cardiac arrest can happen to anyone at anytime. Many people who experience cardiac arrest appear healthy with no heart diseases or other risks.

Human life is precious--if performing CPR can save lives, is it not worth learning?

Statistics show that four out of five cardiac arrest's happen when one is at home, meaning it is likely to be a loved one.

By teaching the students this life-saving skill, they will be better prepared to act when cardiac arrest may strike, ultimately saving lives.


Created with images by Frederick Md Publicity - "aed and cpr" • Anas Qtiesh - "Tomb stones" • U.S. Naval Forces Central Command/U.S. Fifth Fleet - "160504-N-KR961-247" • Army Medicine - "Check-up" • Antony_Wegener - "baby infant newborn baby" • katgrigg - "Family" • Ahsan Saeed - "Friends Forever" • MrT HK - "James Morrison Grave" • NASA Goddard Space Flight Center - "Gabrielle Giffords Honorary Save-a-Life campaign at GSFC"

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