SIX PRINCIPLES TO AVOID CHAOS and LIVE A SIMPLER LIFE Find Your sweet spot for balance

You wake up with the alarm screaming at you – and hit the snooze.

After the second snooze button, you get out of bed just in time to start the morning for everyone and everything else.

Instantly, your thoughts turn to what a busy day lies ahead. The feeling of being overwhelmed comes over you like an open water faucet. You look at the laundry – it’s overflowing. Where are the kids clothes? What am I going to wear to that meeting? The clutter keeps accumulating. You’re stressed and you don’t know how it will change. You have a collection that keeps growing to the point it takes over the house. You have people that continuously demand your time.

Does some or all of this sound like your life? Are you ready to make things different and get control and order?!

Using these Six Principles will help you create a simpler, more organized life.


1. Practice I AM statements…I AM Powerful, I AM Complete, I AM Inspired. Write ones that speak to you, focusing on what you want to create your positive thoughts around. Start by controlling your thoughts. Keep the negativity out of your mind. Mindset shift to positive.

DREAM TEAM - People that elevate you!

2. Remove drama from your life. Surround yourself with people and situations that elevate you being brought down. Create your Dream Team of expansive thinkers!

Plan for Purpose Not by Circumstance

3. Have a plan. Take the time to design a schedule that makes you feel productive and fulfilled. Look at your week on a Sunday and decide how you can best get everything done. Do the most important things first. Sometimes we allow ourselves to be sidetracked by the easy stuff instead of focusing on the important things. And don’t forget to put together a TO DO LIST – because there is such a great feeling in CHECKING off things that are completed! Also, when you visualize all your tasks – it is easier to make adjustments ahead time and to celebrate the wins when they are done.

Faith, Health, Inspiration, You!

4. Set a morning routine. Use the 10-minute increment technique. Pick three things you will spend 10 minutes of time on in the morning each day. Think about something you feel you never have time for, and make it the 10-minute time slot. Let’s say you want to read a good book – take the 10 minutes. Or maybe you want to write a book – take the 10 minutes. Perhaps you have a kitchen draw you have been wanting to clean – take the 10 minutes and clean it. Take the 10 minutes every morning. Beginning your morning with 30 minutes of goodness for you will fill your heart and help you make a positive start.

Center yourself every night!

5. Your evening routine is just as important as your morning routine. Wind down from the day reflect on your day and plan for the next day. You can apply the 10-minute increment technique to this time also. Maybe use that 10 minutes to take a bath!

It doesn't have to be fancy just clear and concise!

6. The last principle is to learn how to communicate clearly, so you can set healthy boundaries. I really suggest that you say what you mean and mean what you say. Be clear and concise. Leave no room for confusion.

Be Positive

Be Drama Free

Be Powerful with your Plan

Be Consistent

Be Calm

Be Clear

These are the rules to follow to live a life that is organized, simple and with less chaos!

I love helping my clients find their perfect life; either by completing the one they are in or transitioning to a new one.

Feel free to reach out to me if you want to schedule a 30-minute self-exploratory call to see if we can get your started on a life of less chaos and being more organized.

Be well. Be inspired. Be empowered.

Pam Drzewiecki, Business and Life Coach, Speaker, Author and Owner of POWERFUL PURPOSE


Created with images by ElisaRiva - "head brain thoughts" • PublicDomainPictures - "clerk business business woman" • Jayel Aheram - "Soldiers Organized Services (SOS) Might Shut Down" • shimelle - "heart is in my hands" • maxlkt - "hand united hands united" • Unsplash - "writing hand notes" • Marjolein Van Parys - "Daily routine" • qimono - "water drop droplet" • jonny goldstein - "communicate"

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